Tano Asami, known for her roles as Nikaido Saki in “Zombieland Saga” and Hino Akane (Cure Sunny) in “Smile Pretty Cure!”, got married to actor Kitamura Ryo, who plays the role of Yagen Toushiro in the stage show “Touken Ranbu” and Toudou Jinpachi in the stage show “Yowamushi Pedal”. On December 13, 2021, she announced it on social media.
Tano posted a picture of herself and Kitamura on Twitter and Instagram, and wrote in a personal message, “Kitamura Ryo and Tanno Asami have gotten married. I am filled with gratitude to be able to announce this to everyone who gives me so much warm support and watches over my growth. Thank you so much for everything.”
She continued, “In the limited time of my life, with gratitude and love in my heart, I will continue to devote myself to my work. I would be grateful if you could watch over me warmly,” she wrote with enthusiasm, “and I hope this announcement will reach your warm hearts, and I can ask for your continued support.”
To this wedding annoucement, she received many congaratulations from her fellow voice actresses and fans. From voice actress Maeda Kaori: “Congratulations on your marriage! I’m so happy to hear this wonderful news! I pray from the bottom of my heart that you and Kitamura-san will have a long, bright, and happy family!” From the voice actress Inoue Marina: “Congratulations, Asami! You’re such a wonderful couple! I wish you many years of happiness! I love you”.