“Sailor Moon the Movie: Eternal” collaborated with Samantha Thavasa. Collaboration goods inspired by Sailor Moon will be released from each brand including Samantha Vega. The goods are on sale now at both the actual and online stores .
From Samantha Vega, there will the goods inspired by the character colors, including the cute ribbons based on 5 Sailor Moon fighters. The goods will be manufactured with glitter and decorated in the special way.
From Samantha Tiara, detailed jewelry with a great volume and luxurious design. It combines a crescent moon and a legendary crystal and the special web version will be on sale from Nov. 20.
In addition to this line-up, from Samantha Thavasa Petit Choice, several items to “making bag’s inside cute”.
The special store will open at Samantha Thavasa Omote Sando GATES Digital Store from Nov. 17. The gigantic wall LED light is 7 meters in height and the store will decorated with LED and photo spots.
“Sailor Moon the Movie: Eternal” collection item is currently available from Nov. 6 at retail stores and “Samantha Thavasa Official Online Store”.
(C) Takeuchi Naoko, PNP, Toei Animation/ “Sailor Moon the Movie: Eternal” Production Committee