The comments from Shimazaki Nobunaga, voice of Hanma Baki has been revealed after the production of “Hanma Baki – Son of Ogre”, the sequel to “Baki” Great Chinese Challenge Saga and the third series of “Baki”, has been confirmed.

“Baki” series is a manga that is currently serialized in “Weekly Shounen Champion”. It depicts the fierce battles between the various martial artists centering around the protagonist, Hanma Baki, the youngest champion of the underground arena, and his father, Hanma Yuujirou, who is called the “Strongest Creature on Earth”.

As the terrestrial broadcast of the anime “Baki” Great Chinese Challenge Saga had just ended, the sequel and the third series “Hanma Baki – Son of Ogre” will finally depicts the all-out clash between the two fated persons, Baki and Yuujirou. The “Greatest Father-Son Fight” is depicted as the climax of the “Baki” series in the original manga.

The production of the “Hanma Baki – Son of Ogre” has been confirmed and the passionate comments from Shimazaki Nobunaga, the voice of the protagonist Hanma Baki, have been revealed.

More details about “Hanma Baki – Son of Ogre” will be revealed soon.

Comments from Shimazaki Nobunaga, voice of Hanma Baki

—Can you share with us your feeling and enthusiasm after hearing the production of the sequel, “Hanma Baki – Son of Ogre”?

I am extremely glad that the sequel of the anime was confirmed as I am aware of the interesting future plot from the original manga. Especially the father-son fight is one of my personal favorite series in term of the process and the result, so I am quite looking forward to it.

—As “Hanma Baki – Son of Ogre” will depict the clash between Baki and Yuujirou, what was the most impressive scene when you read the original manga and also your anticipating scene in the anime adaptation?

There are various impressive scenes, such as the fight with Kamakiri, Maria, and Pickle, the True Mach Punch, the master, the air table, and others. But above all, I enjoyed the process of Hanma Baki and Hanma Yuujirou facing each other as actual father and son.

(C)Itagaki Keisuke (Akita Shoten)/Hanma Baki – Son of Ogre Production Committee
(C)Itagaki Keisuke (Akita Shoten)/Baki Production Committee