To commemorate the almost completion of the “Cross Bone Gundam” series, a popularity contest of the characters & mobile suits will be held. Ten lucky winners will be chosen from the voters, and they will be given a “Reproduction of the appearance scene of the top ranked character & Mobile Suits from the original work with the signature of Hasegawa Yuuichi”.
The serialization of “Mobile Suits Cross Bone Gundam DUST” will have 5 chapters left, including the chapter on “Monthly Gundam Ace” Oct. issue (release on Aug. 26, 2020).
What's the result of the “DUST Project”, where the colony descend to the Earth to save 90 million lives? Don't miss out even a single panel of this story until the finale.
The popularity contest is a project to decide the number one popular character and mobile suit・mobile armor from the “Cross Bone Gundam” series that has an approximately 25 years of serialization and 33 manga volume.
Do vote for your “favorite” character, as it consists of familiar character to niche but impactful character.
Further details can be found on the special website.