The resale of the “Crossbone Gundam X1 Kai” Gunpla of the HGUC series, which appeared on “Mobile Suit Gundam Crossbone Gundam”, has been decided. It is currently available for pre-order at “Premium Bandai”.

The product “HGUC 1/144 Scale Crossbone Gundam X1 Kai” has 3D-modelized the distinctive features of the Crossbone Gundam, such as the ABC Mantle and its equipment. The ABC Mantle is produced with a special vinyl material that has a firm texture, allows it to express flexibility that is different from cloth or molded items. Also, X1 Kai's distinctive weapon Screw Whip (Can be equipped on both hands) and Scissor Anchor are reproduced with new molding parts and leading lines that can freely draw the traces.

“HGUC 1/144 Crossbone Gundam X1 Kai” is priced at 2,200 JPY (Tax Incl.). Pre-orders are currently at “Premium Bandai”, and the delivery is scheduled for Aug. 2020.
