From the TV anime “Lovelive! Sunshine!!”, Matsuura Kanan, Kurosawa Dia, and Kunikida Hanamaru from the school idol group “Aqours” has appeared with the appearance of fighting with a water-canon as “AQUA SHOOTERS!” figure series.
The three members, Matsuura Kanan (CV. Suwa Nanaka), Kurosawa Dia (CV. Komiya Arisa), and Kunikida Hanamaru (CV. Takatsuki Kanako) are members of AZALEA, one of the unit that derived from “Aqours”.
This product is based on the format of “AQUA SHOOTERS!” figure series in a cute deformed appearance, fighting with a water-canon. It can be enjoyed in various ways, as it includes facial parts with various emotions and moveable parts allowing to make various poses.
“Aqours SHOOTERS! 02” consists of a set of 3, is priced at 6,600 JPY (Tax Incl.). It is currently available for pre-order at “Premium Bandai”. Delivery is scheduled for Aug. 2020.
(C) 2017 Project Lovelive! Sunshine!! (C) BANDAI