From “Mobile Suit Gundam MSV” comes a resale of the 1/100 scale Master Grade kit of “MS-06FS Zaku II Garma Zabi Custom”. Pre-orders are now available at “Premium Bandai”.
The kit reproduces Garma's Zaku, which has the unique Garma coloring and the special markings of the MSV series, in 3D. The one and only head with the 4 Vulcan Guns is reproduced with new parts, and the unique coloring was recreated by the molding colors. It's exclusive Heat Hawk was also reproduced in a new mold.
“MG1/100 MS-06FS Zaku II Garma Zabi Custom” is priced at 4,180JPY (tax included). Pre-orders for the resale are now available at “Premium Bandai”, and shipping is scheduled for Jun. 2020.