To commemorate the release of the animated film “Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash” on Jul. 23, the two volumes “Mobile Suit Gundam Char Aznable Complete Edition” and “Mobile Suit Gundam Amuro Ray Pia”, which are a full collection of data related to the characters Char Aznable and Amuro Ray, are currently available at bookstores and online stores.
“Mobile Suit Gundam Char Aznable Complete Edition” is the fourth release of the series. The opening page features an interview with Ikeda Shuuichi, who has been voicing Char for 40 years.
In addition to detailed information about show's famous scenes, activity records, and quotes, the magazine also contains stand-alone articles focused on various topics such as, “Why and how does 'Char' come back in the series?”, “The 'Mask', world's observation point”.
On the other hand, “Mobile Suit Gundam Amuro Ray Pia”, which features Amuro in his completeness, includes an opening interview with Furuya Tooru, the voice of Amuro Ray. In this interview,he talks about his character by looking back on the last 40 years since the first work and also shares some thoughts on the latest film.
In addition, fans will be able to enjoy this book through some articles included such as “The World with Amuro”, which explains the story from a social and technological perspective, and “Records of Amuro's Activities”, which looks back by following the Universal Century timeline, and several quotes from the show such as, “Oyaji ni mo butareta koto nai no ni!” (Even my dad never hit me!).
“Mobile Suit Gundam Char Aznable Complete Edition” and “Mobile Suit Gundam Amuro Ray Pia” are priced at 1,364 JPY each (tax excluded) and are available at bookstores and online stores from Mar. 28, 2020.
(C) Sotsu/Sunrise