From “Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn” comes an MG 1/100 Gunpla of Unicorn Gundam, “Red/Green TWIN FRAME EDITON Titanium Finish”. Pre-orders are currently available on “Premium Bandai”.
“MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam (Red/Green TWIN FRAME EDITION) Titanium Finish” features gorgeous titanium finish armor and the Psycho Frame of both red and green. You can choose the color of the frame as you wish.
In addition, the backpack and legs are given a blue plating and the figure can be transformed into the Unicorn Mode.
“MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam (Red/Green TWIN FRAME EDITION) Titanium Finish” is priced at 13,200 JPY (tax included). Pre-orders are currently available on “Premium Bandai”.
(C) Sotsu, Sunrise