The second part of “Free! The Movie -the Final Stroke-,” a completely new installment of the “Free!” anime series, has been having a long run since April 22. As of July 4, after 11 weeks of release, the box office has exceeded 910 million yen for more than 625,000 tickets sold.
“Free!” is a popular anime series that began with the TV anime “Free!” which began airing in July 2013. It depicts Nanase Haruka, who has a special passion for swimming, forming irreplaceable bonds with his friends through swimming, and overcoming various feelings and conflicts as he grows from childhood to junior high school, high school, and college. The first part was released in September 2021, and the second part, which is currently being screened, will be the final chapter.
A 4D version of the film is also being screened at some theaters. You can enjoy the second part of “Free! The Movie – the Final Stroke-” in a more enhanced way, including a water-splash effect produced under the supervision of the staff of “Free!” Please check the official website for details on the theaters.
In addition, at the blockbuster thank-you speech held on June 30, it was announced that a 10th anniversary event will be held in 2023, and a special PV was also unveiled. Please look forward to hearing more details about the event on the official website at a later date.
(c) Oji Koji, Kyoto Animation/Iwatobimachi Supporters’ Association 2021