“Gundam Breaker Battlogue Project”, a project to strengthen the connection of the Gunpla-based game “Gundam Breaker Series” and the “Gunpla” series, has begun. The project will also include an anime featuring the project’s original Mobile Suits. It will start in the summer of 2021.
This project aims to fuse together digital and physical, and will release the project’s original Mobile Suits in both the game and Gunpla.
The Gunpla “HG Gundam Breaker Battlogue Series”, which will be released in coordination with the project, is designed to be able to replace and combine each of the head, body, arm, and leg parts, allowing you to customize your Gunpla just like in the game.
In addition, to further link the game and Gunpla, a six-episode short film “Gundam Breaker Battlogue Project” has been produced. It will be stremed on the GUndam Official YouTube channel “Gundam Channel” in Japan.
“Gundam Breaker Battlogue Project” will start in the summer of 2021.
(C) Sotsu, Sunrise