The broadcast date of TV anime “Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy” has been announced along with the release of the character’s illustration, including Maru Suehara (Voiced by Matsuoka Yoshitsugu), Shida Kuroha (Voiced by Minase Inori), and Kachi Shirokusa (Voiced by Sakura Ayane). This work will start broadcast on April 14, 2021.
“Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy” is based on the light novel published by Dengeki Bunko. The series has exceeded 500,000 copies in circulation and it is a popular work that took the 2nd place in the Bunko category of “Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi! 2020”.
The advance cut-scenes were released prior to the broadcast. Suehara, Kuroha, Shirokusa, and other characters appeared in the cut-scenes.
Also, the illustrations of the main characters, including Maru Suehara (Voiced by Matsuoka Yoshitsugu), Shida Kuroha (Voiced by Minase Inori), Kachi Shirokusa (Voiced by Sakura Ayane), Momosaka Maria (Voiced by Onishi Saori), and Kai Tetsuhiko (Voiced by Shimazaki Nobunaga), have been revealed.
Broadcast of TV anime “Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy” will start on April 14, 2021, on AT-X, Sun-TV, and other channels.
(C) 2021 Nimaru Shuichi/ KADOKAWA/ OsaMake Production Committee