The production of the original animation “Wonder Eight Property”, where the scriptwriter Nojima Shinji, which had produced various drama, including “High School Teacher” and “Child Without a Home”, will be handling the script, has been decided. This work is scheduled to be broadcast on Jan. 2021.
This work is produced by the first partnership between Aniplex and D.N. Dream Partners, a limited liability company and contents investment company that is invested by both Nippon TV and DoCoMo. This is the first time for Nojima Shinji to handle the script of an anime.
The teaser visual, teaser PV, and staff information were released along with the production confirmation. The director is Wakabayashi Shin, who is the director for the character PV of “22/7 The Diary of Our Days” and the animation PV for “I fall in love with you through a robot” as well as an energetic producer for various anime work. The animation studio is CloverWorks, which had produced “Her Blue Sky”, “The Promised Neverland”, and others.
Also, the comments from Nojima Shinji, Wakabayashi Shin, and the project/ producer Ueno Hiroyuki (Nippon TV) have been released.
“Wonder Eight Property” will start to broadcast on Nippon TV and other channels, on Jan. 2021.