Freedom Gundam from “Mobile Suit Gundam Seed” becomes a figure under the action figure series “METAL ROBOT Tamashi”. Pre-orders are currently available at “Premium Bandai”.

The product “METAL ROBOT Tamashi <SIDE MS> Freedom Gundam” is a figure of the Mobile Suit Freedom that was created by Zafuto based on seized “G”'s data and was entrusted to Kira Yamato under the influence of Lacus Clyne.

“ROBOT Tamashi Freedom Gundam” has a new molding on the base including the head part, backpack, and overall frame to create the precise proportion from the work and high mobility.

The backpack comes with a sliding gimmick in order to recreate the photo impression's silhouette. It is also possible to set up both the deployment of the wings and the cannon at the same time.
It also comes with a deployment gimmick for “Balaena Plasma Beam Cannon” and “Xiphas Railgun” that allows the recreation of the High Material Full Burst.

“METAL ROBOT Tamashi <SIDE MS> Freedom Gundam” is priced at 14,300 JPY (tax included). Pre-orders are currently available at “Premium Bandai”, and shipping is scheduled on Jan. 2021.
