From “Mobile Suit Gundam 00” comes an action figure of 00 Gundam equipped with the O Raiser, XN Unit, Seven Sword, and GN Sword II Blaster under “METAL ROBOT Tamashii”. Pre-orders are available at “Premium Bandai”.

“METAL ROBOT Tamashii <SIDE MS> 00 XN Raiser Seven Sword + GN Sword II Blaster Set” is a set that will let you recreate, 00 Gundam, 00 Raiser, 00 Gundam Seven Sword, XN 00 Gundam, and 00 XN Raiser.
Each mode can be equipped with GN Sword II Blaster.

The markings and coloring have been renewed from the “METAL ROBOT Tamashiii 00 Raiser + GN Sword III” (released in May 2017) emphasizing the complex coloring.

“METAL ROBOT Tamashii <SIDE MS> 00 XN Raiser Seven Sword + GN Sword II Blaster Set” is priced at 22,000 JPY (tax included). Pre-orders are currently available at “Premium Bandai” and shipping is scheduled for Oct. 2020.
