The new chapter of “Detective Conan: Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story”, which showed the young Andou Tooru, a popular character of “Detective Conan”, will be serialized from “Weekly Shounen Sunday” Combined Issue 27 & 28, which is released on Jun. 3, 2020. As a commemoration for the serialization, the PV that “Hagiwara's voice could be heard” has been released.

This work is a new original story by the original author, Aoyama Gosho, and the illustrator, Arai Takahiro (“Detective Conan: Zero's Tea Time”). The story will depict the young Furuya Rei, Matsuda Jinpei, Hagiwara Kenji, Date Wataru, and Morofushi Hiromitsu.
Starting from this issue for three issues, the story will focus on Hagiwara, Matsuda's friend, and the former member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department bomb squadron. It will also show his true face that can't be seen from the “Conan” main story.

A PV was released along with the start of this serialization. The voice actor of Hagiwara in the TV Anime, Miki Shinichiro, will be voicing the “Police Academy” Hagiwara.

The supporter service, “Team Chijimase's Police Academy Arc ver.” can be found on the same issue. It is a cute chibi item of the set of 5 people.

“Detective Conan: Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story” Hagiwara Arc will start from “Weekly Shounen Sunday” Combined Issue 27 & 28, which is released on Jun. 3, 2020.

“Weekly Shounen Sunday” Combined Issue 27 & 28
Release Date: Jun. 3, 2020
Special Fixed Price: 340 JPY
(C)Aoyama Gosho・Arai Takahiro/Shogakukan