“Director Shinkai Makoto's works Weathering with You Artbook”, which contains the art backgrounds of Shinkai Makoto's animation movie “Weathering with You”, is currently on sale.

The product contain more than 240 pieces of art backgrounds of the setting of the story such as the view of Tokyo's streets in different weathers, and the mesmerizing and beautiful cloud sky world.

As the limited pressing bonus, each bookstore with give out a sticker for IC card and smarphone/tablet usage (total of 3 types) while PC wallpapers (3 types) for Web conference and virtual background usage & smartphone wallpaper (1 type) are downloadabe provided the purchased is made from Amazon. All of these bonus featured the amazing art background of “Weathering with You”, so do get it if you are a fans.

Moreover, it contained articles such as the interview with Director Shinkai Makoto and the explaination on the art background by the Art Director Takiguchi Hiroshi. So, this make it a valuable book as these articles are not available elsewhere.

“Director Shinkai Makoto's works Weathering with You Artbook” is currently on sale and the price is 2,700 JPY (tax excluded). As the bonus is limited and there is a limited download period, it would be best to get it soon.

(C)2019 “Weathering with You” Production Committee