The world's first 4K short anime “Lights of Sand” by director Yamaga Hiroyuki and character designer Sadamoto Yoshiyuki, will be aired exclusively in Japan on “Abema Anime Channel” of Abema TV from 1 am on Jan. 18.
“Lights of Sand” is the world's first 4K short anime by director Yamaga Hiroyuki and character designer Sadamoto Yoshiyuki, which premiered at “Content Tokyo 2017” in 2017 and was first released in Asia at “AFA Singapore 2019” in 2019.
Takeuchi Hiroaki, known for “The Animatrix” and other works, was also involved as a producer, and the fantasy short anime of hand-drawn full 4K images and the 5.1ch surround sound got much attention from all around the world.
In Japan, “Lights of Sand” (standard definition) will be broadcast exclusively on “Abema Anime Channel” of “Abema TV from 1 am on Jan. 18.
Don't miss out on this chance to enjoy the fantasy short anime by the top creators of Gainax (currently called Studio GAINA).