From the anime “Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz”, apparel and miscellaneous items, featuring a character illustration with a cool black and white design, will be released under the “Character Illustration Project”. Pre-orders are currently available on Bandai’s website specialized in characters’ fashion, “Bandai Fashion Collection”.
‘Character Illustration Project’ of “Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz” uses an illustration of Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei gathering together. The black and white design provides a cool finish.
The lineup consists of a total of 7 items, which are “T-shirt”, “Reversible Tote Bag”, “Cushion Cover”, “Face Towel”, “Pouch”, “Stand Mirror”, and “Acrylic Stand”. For “Reversible Tote Bag”, “Cushion Cover”, and “Pouch”, a characters’ silhouette is also designed on the liner.
The prices including tax but excluding shipping and handling fee) are as follows; “T-shirt” at 3,960 JPY, “Reversible Tote Bag”, “Cushion Cover”, “Face Towel” at 3,520 JPY each, “Pouch”, “Stand Mirror” at 1,650 JPY each, “Acrylic Stand” at 1,870 JPY.
Pre-orders are available on “Bandai Fashion Collection” until 11:00 p.m. on September 21, and the shipping is scheduled for October 2021.
(C)Sotsu, Sunrise