“Crayon Shin-chan Shrouded in Mystery! The Flowers of Tenkasu Academy” was released on July 30, 2021. To commemorate this, the first footage of the film was shown for the first time on TV during the “Natsu Yasumi wa Ora to Nazotoki SP” broadcast on July 31.
The latest movie is set in the elite school “Private Tenka Kasukabe Academy” (Abbreviated Tenkasu) where Shinnosuke, Kazama, Nene, Masao, and Bo enter on a trial basis. Shinnosuke and his friends encounter an outrageous incident, and the story is full of thrills.
Shinnosuke and his friends form the Kasukabe Defense Force, or the Kasukabe Detective Club, to take on the mysterious case, the danger that looms over them, and the gorgeous guest voice actors who add color to the story.
The first full-length video is over 5 minutes long. After the broadcast, it will be available on Toho’s official YouTube channel. Please check it out before you watch the movie.
Also, for a limited time until August 29, 2021, “Crayon Shin-chan Shrouded in Mystery! The Flowers of Tenkasu Academy” is collaborating with “EX GARDEN CAFE”.
“Riddle me! Color Changing? Mystery Herb Tea”, “Symbol of Youth Yaki Soba Bread”, and “Shin-chan’s Oshiri Pudding Aramodo 2021”. There is also a campaign to get original coasters and luncheon sheets for ordering the collaboration food.
The “Natsu Yasumi wa Ora to Nazotoki SP” and the first part of the movie was broadcast on July 31st from 16:30.
The broadcast time on Saturday, July 31 may be changed due to the extension of the “Tokyo Olympics Badminton Men’s Singles Quarterfinals and Women’s Doubles Semifinals”.
(C) Usui Yoshito / Futabasha, Shin-Ei, TV Asahi, ADK 2021