From the “Mobile Suit Gundam” series comes, the heavily armed v Gundam, “v Gundam HWS” as a 1/144 scale Gunpla under the RG series. Pre-orders are currently available at “Premium Bandai”.

“RG 1/144 v Gundam HWS” has recreated the heavy armor on the chest, hip, and leg, the different colors and moldings of each piece of armor, internal gadgets, etc., of the HWS (Heavy Weapons System) in the fine detail of the RG standard.
The armor coloring, including the main body, is changed from the “RG v Gundam” (sold at retail stores) to a matte color. Moreover, the panel lines of each piece of armor has been recreated by using 2 types of white coloring.

Also, the Hyper Mega Rifle has an extending gimmick to recreate the usual form and the super long-range sniping mode. The High Mega Shield has unfoldable armor on the top and side, and the double-barreled mega particle cannon can be extended forward.

“RG 1/144 v Gundam HWS” is priced at 6,600 JPY (tax included). Pre-orders are currently available at “Premium Bandai”, and shipping is scheduled for Sep. 2020.
