Kikurage, the magical mysterious creature from TV Anime “Dorohedoro” will be released as a plush toy. Pre-orders are now available at Animate, Animate Online Shop, Movic, and other online stores.
The product is a plush toy of the magical mysterious creature Kikurage from TV Anime “Dorohedoro”, that started being broadcast on Jan. 2020.
he Kikurage plushie has an impressive quality with a total height of 50cm. Its main features are the big fluttering ears, fluffy tail, and well-rounded lower body, making it irresistibly comfortable to squish with the arms. Make sure to try and feel it by yourself.
“Kikurage fluffy plushie” is priced at 9,790JPY(taxes included). The product will be manufactured according to the number of orders, which are now available at Animate, Animate Online Shop, Movic, and other online stores until Mar. 31, 2020. The plush toy is set to ship on Jul. 3, 2020.
(C)2020 Hayashida Q – Shogakukan / Dorohedoro Production Committee