Celebrating the anime adaptation of the series “Dorohedoro”, a wristwatch based on it will be released. The item will be manufactured according to the number of orders, which are open until Mar. 16, 2020.
The wristwatch is a must-have collection item for fans of the series, also known as Doroheads.
The line-up includes two versions, “Caiman” and “En Family”. The “Caiman” model features the character Caiman’s mask at the center of the watch, and its design represents his endeavors to take back his real face and memories.
The “En Family” model features the masks of the members of the magical faction, En, Shin, Noi, Fujita, Kikurage and Ebisu. Its design was made to convey the power of unity.
“Dorohedoro” Wristwatches “Caiman” and “En Family” versions are priced at 26,800JPY(taxes excluded) each. Preorders are available on a special page until Mar. 16, 2020. The item is set to ship in May 2020.
(C)2020 Hayashida Q – Shogakukan/Dorohedoro Production Committee