The chara pop up store of the TV anime “My Hero Academia” will be held on Akihabara on July 9, 2022, followed by the branches at Osaka and Fukuoka. Sales of original goods with new visual and the mini game “Konbire! Aizawa-sensei’s Improvement Training Game” will also be available at the store.
“My Hero Academia” is based on the hero action manga by Horikoshi Kouhei that is currently being serialized on “Weekly Shonen Jump”. The story takes place in the world where people with the extraordinary abilities, called “quirk” existed, and it depicts the growth of the main protagonist Midoriya Izuku aka Deku to become a hero as he faced the “Villain” that are using the “quirk” for evil, together with his classmates at the prestigious heroes educating school, UA High School.
The first season of the TV anime season started broadcast in April 2016, and it has a total of 5 seasons up until now. The sixth season is slated to be broadcast on autumn 2022 while two anime original episodes will be broadcast in summer 2022.
The featured chara pop store will have sales of the original goods with new visual and a special mini game. The mini game called “Konbire! Aizawa-sensei’s Improvement Training Game”, will allow you to pair up two students from class A as they challenge the training to improve their combination. Based on the evaluation, different prizes can be obtained, which are an “Acrylic Board” for S, “Domiteria Keyholder” for A, “Acrylic Charm” for B, and a “44mm Tin Badge” for C. Each prize is available in 6 types, and it costs 600 JPY per tries.
New prizes are added to the lineup of the usual mini game “Tsuyu-chan has Many Friends’ Fortune Lottery”. It will feature various new visuals based on “festival”, such as a mini tapestry as the first prize, known as “Please called me Tsuyu-chan”. It costs 500 JPY per tries.
The chara pop up store will be held at Atre Akihabara branch on July 9, follow by Osaka and Fukuoka. Also, the venue-limited original goods will be available on “Namco Parks Online Store”, and some of mini games’ prizes can also be obtained online.
(C) Horikoshi Kouhei/ Shueisha, My Hero Academia Production Committee