The TV anime “Attack on Titan” released a total of 48 traditional Hanafuda cards that bring out the charms of characters including Eren, Mikasa, and other characters. The Hanafuda cards are now on sale for a limited quantity.
“Attack on Titan” is a dark fantasy manga by Hajime Isayama that was serialized in “Bessatsu Shonen Magazine” from its first issue in 2009 until 2021. Set in a world where Titans dominate everything, the story depicts the desperate struggle of mankind as it continues to fight for freedom.
The final chapter, ‘Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2,’ features episodes from episode 76 “Judgment” onward. Six years after the first attack by the Colossal Titan, the Survey Corps dares to go beyond Wall Maria to conduct an investigation outside the wall.
They make it to the sea for the first time as humans inside the wall. Beyond the endless horizon lies freedom, or…? The story of Eren Jaeger enters a new phase. “Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2” will be broadcast on NHK Sogo in 2023.
The “Attack on Titan Hanafuda Cards” is developed by “Charaditional Toys,” a brand based on the concept of “items for adults who love the characters. Oishi Tengu-do, a long-established shop in Kyoto founded in 1800, produces the Hanafuda cards with a high-grade “urabari” finish. The cards are glued carefully with a brush and finished with exquisite “warp”.
The 48 Hanafuda cards feature original designs and are made with the traditional method, allowing users to enjoy the texture and feel. The designs feature main characters and titans.
The cards come with an original wooden container, which can be used not only as a Hanafuda storage but also as a business card holder, accessory case, or for various other purposes, depending on your ideas.
The Hanafuda cards will be available in two versions, a wooden box version and framed version (wooden frame + acrylic). One rectangular can badge (randomly chosen from 5 designs) will be presented for those who make a purchase on the official online store. The prices are 3,800 JPY (tax not included) for the Wooden Box Version and 18,000 JPY (tax not included) for the Framed Version. Each is available in limited quantities.
(C) Hajime Isayama, Kodansha/Attack on Titan: The Final Season Production Committee