From the movie “The Quintessential Quintuplets”, new goods, including hologram visual cards, have been released. Pre-orders are now being accepted at the hobby mail-order website “CharaON!”.
“The Quintessential Quintuplets” is a rom-com anime based on the same-titled manga that was written by Haruba Negi and serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine” until February 2020. The story follows Uesugi Futaro, the protagonist who has the top grade for the school year, becoming a tutor for the quintuplets who are on the verge of flunking, to lead them to graduation.
The 1st season of the TV anime was broadcast from January to March 2019, and the 2nd season from January to March 2021. The movie “The Quintessential Quintuplets”, which was released on May 20, 2022, concluded the story by depicting a cultural festival, the final school festival for Futaro and the quintuplets.
“Prism Visual Collection vol.3 (BOX)”, visual cards with shiny holograms on both sides, featuring Nakano Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki, have been released. The quintuplets in swimsuits are drawn, filling the 70mm×130mm card, to bring out their brilliant smiles and attractive bodies. Although the illustrations are the same, each side has a different design. BOX and 1pcs options are available, and the cards will be randomly included from all the 5 designs.
In addition, “Trading Tin Badges vol.3” will also be released. Their size is about 75mm in diameter and the same swimsuit illustrations as “Prism Visual Collection vol.3” will be used.
The design is the quintuplets with their figures enhanced and their signature colors on the background .
BOX and 1pcs options are available, and the cards will be randomly included from all the 5 designs as well.
Please enjoy quintuplets in swimsuits and their smiles to blow the cold away.
(C) Haruba Negi, Kodansha / Movie “The Quintessential Quintuplets” Production Committee