‘Mou Ippon!’, a “Judo Girls’ Diary” manga serialized in ‘Weekly Shonen Champion’, will get a TV anime adaptation in January 2023. A teaser visual and promotional video have been unveiled along with the cast information including Ayasa Ito, Yukari Anzai, Chiyuki Miura, and Nene Hieda.
The original work of ‘Mou Ippon!’ is the comic of the same title that is currently serialized in ‘Weekly Shonen Champion’ (Akita Shoten). The cute and passionate “Judo Girls’ Diary” portrays the fresh adolescence of the high school girls and their passion for judo.
This time, the work has been announced to get an anime adaptation in January, 2023. A teaser visual, promotional video, the main staff and four cast members have also been unveiled.
The promotional video shows nostalgic scenes of summer, such as cicadas crying, electric fans, sweaty plastic bottles and intense sunlight with music.
The main staff includes Ken Ogiwara as the director, BAKKEN RECORD, a new label launched by Tatsunoko Productions in 2019 for the animation production, and Pony Canyon for music.
Main cast members include are Ayasa Ito as the main character Michi Sonoda, Yukari Anzai as her best friend Sanae Takigawa, Chiyuki Miura as Towa Hiura, Michi’s last opponent in middle school, and Nene Hieda as Anna Nagumo, Michi’s classmate since elementary school.
The TV anime ‘Mou Ippon!’ will begin broadcasting in January 2023.
Comment from Yu Muraoka (original author)
I am very happy that my work, in which I draw what I like, as much as I like, and as I like, will be my first work to get an anime adaptation.
Judo has the spirit of “co-prosperity for oneself and others”.
As the name implies, I hope the production team and the viewers, who both love anime, will share happiness together through anime and grow their love bigger and bigger!
(C) Yu Muraoka (Akita Shoten) / Mou Ippon! Production committee
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