A new series of the legendary gag anime “Obocchama-kun” is set to be produced in India, where the series has seen a resurgence in popularity after nearly 30 years, and will be broadcast nationwide next spring. With the approval of Kobayashi Yoshinori, the author of the original manga, the series will be co-produced by TV Asahi and Sony Pictures Networks India (SPNI).
“Obocchama-kun” is a gag anime series based on the manga by Kobayashi Yoshinori that was serialized in Monthly CoroCoro Comic from 1986. It aired on the TV Asahi network from 1989 to 1992 and depicted the “splendid and turbulent days” of Obo Chama, the heir to the Obo Zaibatsu, a world-renowned tycoon, who transfers to an elite school for the children of wealthy families. The series was a huge hit, thanks to its over-the-top scale and gags, as well as Chama’s unique “Chama-go” language, such as “Oha yogurt” and “Sonna banana.”
Nearly 30 years later, the series has gained popularity on kids’ channels in India, leading to calls for a new season. The new series was initiated thanks to this passionate request from India and Kobayashi’s approval. TV Asahi and SPNI have teamed up to co-produce 26 episodes of 22 minutes each (52 episodes of 11 minutes each).
The new series is scheduled to air on SPNI’s kids’ channel SONY YAY! throughout India next year. The scripts will be written by Shin-Ei Animation, a TV Asahi group company that previously worked on the Japanese version of “Obocchama-kun,” and the animation will be produced in India. The studios are working hard to combine the creative strengths of both countries to produce new episodes.
A world premiere screening of “Obocchama-kun” was held on October 21 at MIPCOM 2024, the world’s largest international market for television and video content, held in Cannes, France. After a screening of select episodes from the new series, a talk session was held with SPNI, TV Asahi, and Indian animation studio Green Gold Animation.
Media representatives from around the world enjoyed the unique Chama world and showed great interest in the production of the new series, which was initiated by the voices of children from India. The world premiere was a great success. Further excitement is expected for “Obocchama-kun” with the new series.
“Obocchama-kun” Production Overview
Title: “Obocchama-kun”
Episodes: 26 episodes of 22 minutes each (52 episodes of 11 minutes each)
Original Manga: Kobayashi Yoshinori
Production: TV Asahi
(C) 1986 Yoshinori Kobayashi/TV Asahi
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