‘Detective Conan: Police Academy Arc: Wild Police Academy’ is a TV anime series that focuses on the popular character from the main series, Toru Amuro, also known as Rei Furuya, and his old days at the police academy with four friends. The second season ‘Police Academy Arc: Wild Police Academy: CASE. Wataru Date’has been announced to start on March 12th, 2022 at 6 p.m. on Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV networks.
‘Wild Police Story CASE.’ is a spin-off story from “Detective Conan”, which revolves around Toru Amuro, also known as Rei Furuya, and his four friends in their youth. Apart from Furuya, his four friends Jinpei Matsuda, Wataru Date, Kenji Hagiwara, and Hiromitsu Morofushi have already passed away in the main story, and there is still a lot of mystery. They were all unparalleled as police officers and this episode will reveal their lives from police school.
Volume 1 ‘CASE. Jinpei Matsuda’ was broadcast on 4th December, 2021. The appearance of Matsuda from police school received enthusiastic responses, such as ‘He is moving and talking…’ and ‘I cried when I saw his face’ and became the number one worldwide trend on that day.
Volume 2 ‘CASE. Wataru Date’ starts when Furuya and Date fight in an arresting techniques class. Date wins and asks Furuya ‘Why didn’t you attack my weakness?’ and ‘We must be stronger than anyone in order to stick to our justice’. Morofushi comes to Furuya’s room that night when Furuya is thinking about what Date said in bed. Morofushi is going out and asks Furuya ‘Do you want anything?’ and Furuya answers ‘Not really’ but he realizes that he needs toothpaste. He goes after Morofushi but Morofushi, Hagiwara and Matsuda have already left. When Furuya comes out alone, Date is there and starts to talk about his past with his father…
The 25th movie “The Bride of Halloween” visual has also been released, and the “police school team” has been attracting more and more attention. Stay tuned for volume 2 which will be broadcast soon.
‘Wild Police Story CASE. Wataru Date’ will be broadcast on Yomiuri TV and Nippon Television network on 12th March, 2022 at 6 pm.
(C) Gosho Aoyama, Takahiro Arai / Shogakukan Inc., YOMIURI TELECASTING CORPORATION., TMS2021