From “Detective Conan” comes the first Osechi (Food eaten during the New Year’s Holidays) that is filled with the allure of the work, “Detective Conan Osechi”. Pre-orders are currently available on Ringbell Website.

“Detective Conan Osechi” started with the notice letter from Kaitou Kid as he invites you to the story, and it followed by the two-tier food box with the original design of Conan, Mouri Ran, Haibara Ai, Akai Shuichi, and Amuro Tooru on the cover . The traditional Japanese pattern in the cool color matches with the character illustration as it creates a mysterious atmosphere.

The “‘Learning from the Past’ First Tier” consists of a total of 24 dishes that will remind you of the traditional Japanese Osechi, such as the Kamaboko, Datemaki, and Tazukuri. The Kamaboko is in the shape of the soccer ball and APTX 4869, which were inspired by the work, and the Yanagawa-style Shinjo combines Grilled Eel (Kabayaki style), which was inspired by Kojima Genta’s favourite “Unaju (Eel over Rice)”, with the egg and minced fish paste. Other than that, it also has the carrots and zucchini in the shape of the trump card of Kaitou Kid, Nerikiri that was knead in the shape of Conan’s red bowtie style voice-changer, and others designs that will fascinate your eyes. This tier will allow you to enjoy the tasty regular Osechi while looking for the appearance of the characters from the work.

The “‘Future Hope’ Second Tier” has a total of 13 Western dishes with the food and coloring, where you can feel the story of the work and the sense of excitement and surprises.
Together with the dishes, where you can feel the story, such as the Lemon Pie that Ran made for Shinichi, Spicy Shrimps with the red color of Akai Shuichi, and Steamed Pork of Daisenham from Tottori prefecture (the place of birth of the original author Aoyama Gosho), it also has the row of Western food, such as the terrine and roast beef. There is also an extravagant display with the crab at the center.
This is a tier, where you can enjoy deducting the story and the encounter between the ingredient and character just like Conan’s deduction.

Also, the wrapping cloth of the food box combined dark blue patterned cloth with the character icons and the New Year’s patterns. Conan’s red bowtie style voice-changer that is designed at the corner of the cloth will give off an accent when it is wrapped. (※The wrapping cloth will be delivered separately as it won’t be wrapped on the food box upon delivery) It also comes with the festive chopstick with an illustration.

“Detective Conan Osechi” is priced at 19,440 JPY (tax included). Pre-orders are currently available on Ringbell Website until December 25, and the delivery is scheduled for December 30, 2021.

【Product Information】
Product: Detective Conan Osechi
Contents: 37 Dishes in Two-Tier Food Box, Suitable for Three Servings
Dimension of Food Box: 19.6 cm X 19.6 cm X 13 cm
Sale Period: October 18, 2021 ~ December 25, 2021 ※Sale will end once the quote has been reached
Price: 19,440 JPY (tax included) Free Shipping Nationwide
Delivery Temperature: Cold Storage
Delivery Date: December 30, 2021
Expiration Date: Until January 31, 2022 (Saturday) if it is kept in a freezer.

Please visit the sale webpage of “Detective Conan Osechi” for more information.

(C) Aoyama Gosho/ Shogakukan