The anime adaptation of “Lupin III” will be welcoming its 50th anniversary in October 2021. To commemorate this, “Kinyoubi Roadshow (Friday’s Roadshow)” is holding the popularity contest, titled “Which Lupin III do you want to see the most now?” that is applicable to all the TV series and the TV specials.
“Which Lupin III do you want to see the most now?” is a popularity contest, where you can vote from all the 275 episodes from the TV series Part 1 (1971) to Part 5 (2018) and the 27 TV special works from 1989 to 2019.
The voting is being held on the official website of “Kinyoubi Roadshow” from August 20, and the top 4 TV series and the top TV special will be broadcast in fall 2021.
Also, the latest TV anime series of “Lupin III”, “Lupin III Part 6” is scheduled to be broadcast in October 2021, on Nippon TV, so do look forward to this as well.
Original written by Monkey Punch (C) TMS
Original written by Monkey Punch (C) TMS, YTV
Original written by Monkey Punch (C) TMS, NTV