From “Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story,” a “Real Type” of the Versal Knight Gundam has appeared in the action figure series ‘METAL ROBOT TAMASHII.’ It is available for pre-order on ‘Premium Bandai.’

The product, “METAL ROBOT TAMASHII <SIDE MS> Versal Knight Gundam (Real Type ver.)” is a figure of the white knight given with the name of “Versal Knight,” which is the highest position.

Composed of the pearl and metallic painting on the armor and die-cast joints, it flows with an ‘elegant’ atmosphere. Also, by changing between a cape and the Knight Flyer, this is the product that you can reproduce various silhouettes.

“METAL ROBOT TAMASHII <SIDE MS> Versal Knight Gundam (Real Type ver.)” is priced at 15,950 (Tax Incl.). It is available for pre-order on ‘Premium Bandai.’ Shipping is scheduled for Aug. 2021.