“Cowboy Bebop” is an SF anime that continues to attract both domestic and overseas fans. Basing on the image of the anime “Cowboy Bebop,” ‘SEIKO’ for the first time has created a collaboration watch. A limited quantity of 300 units is available for preorder on ‘Premium Bandai’ now.
Appearing after 20 years since the broadcasting of the anime “Cowboy Bebop,” ‘Cowboy Bebop × SEIKO COLLABORATION 2020’ is a 300 unit limited product with unique serial numbers engraved.
On top of the watch dial that images the whole series, the backplate has a design that implies Spike’s love for Julia. Also, the band of the watch uses a black and grey color that is popular for an easy-use.
Having various aspects of the popular scene from the “Cowboy Bebop” all over the watch, this watch is a truly special model that suits to be a collaboration item.
‘Cowboy Bebop × SEIKO COLLABORATION 2020’ is priced at 36,300 JPY (Tax Incl.). A limited quantity of 300 units will be available for preorder on ‘Premium Bandai’ from 11 A.M., February 3, 2021. Shipping is scheduled for February 2021.