“Durarara x2 Shizu-chan Birthday Celebration China Kuji” is an online Kuji (lottery), where you can get original goods of “Durarara x2”. It has started at 5:00 PM, on January 28, 2021, on “Kujibikido”.
The featured original goods are the “Life-sized Cloth Poster” and “Acrylic Stand Figure” with the original illustration of Shizuo and Izaya in China’s clothes, and other goods. Do also check out the “Mini Character Acrylic Stand Figure” featuring the cute mini character illustration together with the panda.
Also, a heart-shaped tin badge will be given to those who purchase the “10 Consecutive Tries Set” during the sales period as part of the “bonus campaign”.
“Durarara x2 Shizu-chan Birthday Celebration China Kuji” is priced at 715 JPY (tax included) per tries. It has started at 5:00 PM, on January 28, 2021, on “Kujibikido”.
(C)2014 Narita Ryougo/KADOKAWA ASCII, MediaWorks Publishing/ Ikebukuro Dollars