It has been decided that “Skate Leading☆Stars” will be broadcast and streamed from Jan. 2021. It had been postponed before due to the spread of novel coronavirus.

“Skate Leading☆Stars” is the original anime series directed by Taniguchi Gorou (famous for “Code Geas: Lelouch the Rebellion”), designed by Toboso Yana (original author of the manga “Black Butler”), and produced by the anime studio of J.C. STAFF (known for “One Punch Man”).
The anime depicts the story of the high school students who devote themselves into the original figure skate sports called “Skate Leading”.

Broadcast and streaming of “Skate Leading☆Stars” will start from Jan. 2021. Detailed information will be announcedlater.

(C) TEAM SLS/ Skate Leading Project