From “Mobile Suit Gundam 00V: Battlefield Record”, “00 QAN[T] Full Saber” is released as “clear color” on RG 1/444 scale Gunpla. Pre-order is currently available at “Premium Bandai”.
This product “RG 1/144 scale GUNDAM BASE Limited Model 00 QAN[T] Full Saber [Clear Color]” is the item that was created as the exclusive Gunpla for the official composite Gunpla institution called “THE GUNDAM BASE”.
It recreated 00 QAN[T} Full Saber in delicate expression in 1/144-scale and is sought for “reality” with RG. It contains GN condenser, and it also recreated the back which connects with GN sword IV.
Other than that, the weapons including GN gun blade, GN sword V, GN sword bit, and GN shield, abundant hand parts, and the position-retaining stand also come together with the product itself.
“RG 1/144 GUNDAM BASE Limited Model 00 QAN[T} Full Saber [Clear Color]” is priced for 3,740 JPY (tax included). Pre-order is currently available at “Premium Bandai”, and the shipping of the product is scheduled for May.
It is scheduled to be sold in “THE GUNDAM BASE TOKYO (Odaiba, Tokyo)” and “THE GUNDAM BASE FUKUOKA (Hakata, Fukuoka)”, but is currently closed due to containment of new Coronavirus.
(C) Sotsu・Sunrise