Collaborations between “Detective Conan” and girl's manga magazines “Sho-Comi”, “Chao”, etc. have been decided. Original goods that allow you to enjoy the handsome appearances of Conan, Akai Shuichi, and Amuro Toru, together with “Signed Bromide Cards” will be included as an appendix.
Collaboration between “Detective Conan” and girl's manga magazine “Sho-Comi” is decided for two issues in a row – No. 9, and No. 10. The first issue No. 9 (released on Apr. 3) will come with a W appendix of “Scarlet Clear File” and “Amuro Toru Visual Board”.
“Scarlet Clear File” depicts the picture of Conan and Akai Shuichi. It is a red-based vivid color, and you can put paper in the file normally, or enjoy taking a picture with them by putting your picture between them.
Moreover, “Toru Amuro Visual Board” has the same size as the clear file, which is B5 in big size, and is a must-see item for Amuro fans.
The May issue of the girl manga magazine “Chao” (released on Apr. 3) comes with a supplementary comic, “Detective Conan Trial FILE” as an appendix. This supplementary comic contain 4 “Conan” and the contents can be enjoyed by everyone regardless you are a Conan fan or not.
In addition to “Detective Conan (Secret) Prof Card 2020”, four “Signed Handsome Bromide Cards” including Akai Shuichi, and Amuro Toru will also be included, so if you are a Conan fan, check it out.
“Sho-Comi” 9 issue is priced for 400 Yen (tax included), and “Chao” May issue is priced for 550 Yen (tax included). Both are available at bookstores and online bookstores from Apr.3, 2020.
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