The production of the 4th anime of the “Date A Live” series, known as “Date A Live IV” has been decided. To commemorate the anime adaptation, we have received the comments from the original author, Tachibana Koushi, and the original illustrator, Tsunako.
The original of “Date A Live” is a light novel that is serialized in “Dragon Magazine” (Fantasy Bunkokan). It is a popular work that had exceed 6 millions copies issue and the final volume of the original light novel, titled “Date A Live Touka Good End Part 2” will be released on Mar. 19, 2020.
The popular story arc of the light novel, “Natsumi Arc” and “Origami Arc” was the hottest topic for “Date A Live III”, that was broadcast from Jan. 2019 until Mar. 2019. However, as the plot for “Date A Live IV” was not announced, do look forward to the future news.
Moreover, in order to commemorate the anime adaptation, we have received the comments from the original author, Tachibana Koushi and the original illustrator, Tsunako.
<Below are the full comment>
Original Author of the series, Tachibana Koushi
The production of “Date A Live IV” was decided! Congratulation! And thank you!
By including the movie and “Bullet”, this will be the 6th anime adaptation for this series and it is quite a long series for an anime. What type of spirits will come after “III”? So, do look forward to Shidou and the others new adventure!
Original Illustrator, Tsunako
Thank to everyone support, the production for the season 4 of the anime “Date A Live” was decided! I hope that everyone can still enjoy the world of “Date”! If you are not aware of this works, I hope you can give it a try as there are various media which are the original light novels, anime, manga, games, and others.
(C)Tachibana Koushi・Tsunako
(C)Higashide Yuuichirou ・Tachibana Koush・NOCO