From “Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt” comes the gunpla of the High Mobility Type “Psycho Zaku” under the HG series. Preorders are currently being accepted at “Premium Bandai”.
The product is a High Mobility Type Zaku equipped with the Reuse P (Psycho) Device and gives a sense of bulkiness due to the variety of weapons and the Rocket Booster attached to it.
The Sub Arms are recreated with replaceable parts, and it is possible to mount weapons on them. Also, with the newest range of movement provided by the HG brand, fans will be able to reproduce various action poses from the show.
In addition, it has a considerable Zaku-like equipment, which includes many weapons such as the Giant Bazooka, Zaku Bazooka, Zaku Machine Gun, and Heat Hawk.
“HG 1/144 High Mobility Type Zaku ‘Psycho Zaku'(Gundam Thunderbolt Version)” is priced at 2,970 yen (tax included). Preorders are currently being accepted at “Premium Bandai”, and shipping is scheduled for Jul. 2020.
(C) Sotsu / Sunrise