To commemorate the release of the anime film “Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash” on Jul. 23, 2020, “Char Aznable Complete Edition” and “Amuro Ray Pia” will be on sale simultaneously on Mar. 28.
“Char Aznable Complete Edition” is a full collection of data related to Char's “Character Pia”, followed by “Char Aznable Pia”, “Char Aznable Pia Special Edition”, and “Char Aznable Pia Loum”, which became so popular that reprints would be necessary. It will be one single volume containing Char's entire history, including “THE ORIGIN”.
“Amuro Ray Pia” is a single book that features Amuro Ray in his completeness for the first time through “Gundam Pia”, which has featured a variety of characters, including “Kamille Bidan Pia” and “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Setsuna F. Seiei & Graham Aker Pia”. A Mook to unravel Amuro Ray a second time, who represents the beginning of the Gundam series.
“Mobile Suit Gundam Char Aznable Pia Complete Edition” and “Mobile Suit Gundam Amuro Ray Pia” are priced at 1,364 JPY each (excluding tax). Preorders are being accepted at Amazon and other online bookstores from Mar. 10. Further details such as the cover and contents will be announced in the next days.
(C) Sotsu / Sunrise