The mini-figure series recreating the world of “AKIRA”, “miniQ 'AKIRA' PART. 4 Final Battle”, has been released by Kaiyoudou. “PART. 4” includes; “Kei -Catalyst-“, “Kaneda and his Bike (Ver. 3)”, “Tetsuo -Attack-“, and “Colonel”.

“AKIRA” was an extraordinary hit among all the products released from Kaiyoudou. The mini-figures are updated to modern standards via completely new molds. Kagawa Masahiko was in charge of the modeling.

The lineup of “PART. 4” is as below
“Kei -Catalyst-“: Kei who made up her mind to help Miyako and become a catalyst to stop Akira's catastrophe.
“Kaneda and his Bike (Ver. 3)”: Kaneda facing the final battle along with Kei to stop Tetsuo's plans.
“Tetsuo -Attack-“: Tetsuo who bears down with overwhelming strength he got from drugs and psychic abilities.
“Colonel”: The supreme authority of the army that bares the secret of Akira, and turns Tokyo into a mess again.