“Gintama the Animated Movie” will officially star Sugita Tomokazu as Sakata Gintoki, Sakaguchi Daisuke as Shimura Shinpachi and Kugimiya Rie as Kagura. A teaser showing that “The Yoroauya-trio have started filming” was revealed along with plans to release the film in early 2021.
This information was revealed on the first night of “Jump Festa 2020” on “Nico Nico Live Broadcast” announcing “Animated Film Gintama ~Our Super Stage~” after being abandoned (?!) by “Jump Festa” after the end of the manga serialization.
Raging about how they're being treated, the members of Yorozuya (Sugita Tomokazu who plays Sakata Gintoki, Sakaguchi Daisuke who plays Shimura Shinpachi and Kugimiya Rie who plays Kagura) revealed that they would be in the new film while dropping complaints as they sat with the “One Piece” zone from “Jump Festa”'s Amusement Island in the background as if trying to enjoy the benefits of the good luck that One Piece had this year whose animated film made over 9.8 billion JPY worldwide. They answered comments from fans who are excited for “Gintama the Animated Movie”.
In addition to revealing the “Super Teaser Visual” on the show, they also revealed that “the film will be released in early 2021”.
The teaser shows Sakata Gintoki, Shimura Shinpachi and Kagura as they wait to start filming in director chairs on the “Yorozuya Ginchan” set. The words “Filming is going smoothly! The salary is being negotiated!” are floating above the three characters who are likely to say “We're expensive to hire!” It's clear that this will be a production with more “difficulties” in the future.
The plot of “Gintama the Animated Movie” is completely unknown, whether it will be an original plotline or taken from the original manga. Keep an eye out for further announcements.
<Full comments from the cast below>
【Sugita Tomokazu (playing Sakata Gintoki)】
Q. Please give a message or your thoughts to the fans who are eagerly waiting for “Gintama the Animated Movie”.
We are also waiting for filming to start. Please look forward to it.
【Sakaguchi Daisuke (playing Shimura Shinpachi)】
Q. Please give a message or your thoughts to the fans who are eagerly waiting for “Gintama the Animated Movie”.
Are we really going to do this? I'm in a state of being unable to believe anything (laughs). Is this the last one? Is it another trick? Whatever it is, I'll do my best. Please look forward to it!
【Kugimiya Rie (playing Kagura)】
Q. Please give a message or your thoughts to the fans who are eagerly waiting for “Gintama the Animated Movie”.
Now that the information for “Gintama the Animated Movie” has been revealed, the feeling that we're doing something I thought we'd someday do is finally coming true. I want to have a lot of fun and I plan to do my best! Please wait expectantly for it!
“Gintama the Animated Movie”
ROADSHOW in theaters early 2021!
(C) Sorachi Hideaki / Gintama Animated Film Production Committee