The production of the whole stories of the original anime film “Kurayukaba” by the talented Tsukahara Shigeyoshi has been decided. The prologue of the film “Kurayukaba” is currently available on the theatres. Also, the whimsical visual of the red-light district “Mizu no Chimata”, where Soutaro visited halfway in the story, has been released.
“Kurayukaba” is Tsukahara’s first original anime film, which had gathered a total of 15,700,364 JPY in the two crowdfunding that was held in 2018 and 2020. The story takes place in the underground of the empire, called “Kuragari”, and it features the main protagonist, the detective Soutarou as he unravels the mysterious behind the mass disappearance case. The whimsical world and the impactful heavy machine’s action are depicted by the digital technologies, such as 3DCG, by Tsukahara and the elite creators.
The latest information, such as the release date for the whole stories, will be announced sequentially on the official website and Twitter. Do look forward to gradually revealing on the story of the dark and whimsical detective action drama “Kurayukaba”.
(C) Tsukahara Shigeyoshi/ Twin Engine