From the world of “Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card”, a new charm collection gets released. It features the series’ magical items such as the “Sealing Wand” using magic circles as motif. The collection is available on the “Anaguma-store” online shop and “Anahita Stones” stores throughout Japan.
“‘Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card’ Motif Charm Collection” lineup includes 6 items, “Sealing Wand”, “Star Wand”, “Dream Staff”, “Kero & Suppie & Momo”, “Syaoran”, and “Tomoyo”. Each individual charm is randomly drawn upon purchase of the product. The items come with a natural stone based on its character, are wrapped to an organdy cloth ribbon, and attached to a ball chain making it easy to attach anywhere. A complete box containing all 6 items is also available.
The “Sealing Wand”, appearing on the Clow Cards Arch, uses the series’ magical circles as motif.
The “Star Wand”, appearing on the Sakura Cards Arch, also uses magical circles as motif.
The “Dream Staff”, appearing on the Clear Cards Arch, lifts up in the air with The Fly.
“Kero & Suppie & Momo” has a cute design.
“Syaoran”, uses Syaoran’s sword and compass as motif.
“Tomoyo”, is designed with Tomoyo’s favorite camera, staff notation symbols and magnolia flowers.
“‘Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card’ Motif Charm Collection” is priced at 1,980 JPY (tax included) for individual charms, and 11,880 JPY (tax included) for the complete box. The products are available on the “Anaguma-store” online shop and “Anahita Stones” stores throughout Japan.
(C) CLAMP – ST / Kodansha – NEP – NHK