『AKIRA』joins the Kaiyodo mini figure series known as「miniQ」. The line-up series scheduled for sale in the late November 2019 consists of 「PART.1 Kaneda」,「Kaneda and his bike(Ver.1)」,「Kaneda and the army」, 「Tetsuo-Awakening-」and「Takashi」.
The line-up series scheduled for sale in the late November 2019 consists of 「PART.1 Kaneda」,「Kaneda and his bike(Ver.1)」「Kaneda and the army」「Tetsuo-Awakening-」「Takashi」.
「Kaneda and his bike(Ver.1)」 is the custom bike Kaneda rode that Tetsuo longed for and saw as a symbol of power. 「Kaneda and the army」 replicates the scene where Kaneda tries to protect Kei from the army's flying platform at the waterway.
Furthermore, 「Tetsuo-Awakening-」 replicates the state Tetsuo was in when he had just awakened to his powers after Kaneda went berserk with his bike and tries to collide with Takashi. 「Takashi」a mysterious ability wielder created at the laboratory, and was given a "serial number" known as test subject No. 26.
「PART.1 Kaneda」 is priced at 680¥ (Tax excluded). Scheduled for sale late November 2019.
「AKIRA」PART.1 Kaneda
Date of sale: Late November 2019
Price: 680¥ (Tax excluded)
Specifications: 4 types of figure+instruction manual+4CPKG+6 Insert BOX+1 Carton 20 BOX
Sculptor: Masahiko Kagawa