The sequel to the anime “Witchy Pretty Cure!” titled “Witchy Pretty Cure!! -MIRAI DAYS-” was announced to start at 2:00 AM on January 12, 2025. This is the second show of the video project announced as a new attempt for the 20th anniversary of Pretty Cure, and the logo was also released with the announcement.
Pretty Cure is an anime series that started with “Futari wa Pretty Cure” on February 1, 2004, and has released 21 titles up to the current “Wonderful Pretty Cure!” with 32 movies released. The series depicts friendship, bonds, and growth as the main characters transform into legendary warriors called Pretty Cure to confront powerful forces. The motifs, themes, and characters are renewed yearly to continue the series.
As a new attempt for last year’s 20th anniversary, the Pretty Cure series announced a video project under the concept of “video content that lets both the fans that have grown up and the viewers of the current series continue to enjoy the Pretty Cure series even further.”
The first show of the video projects was “Power of Hope: PreCure Full Bloom” which started in October 2023. The story depicts what happened to the characters after they’ve grown up while incorporating SDG elements. The show was a big hit with various words trending on social media for every week’s broadcast.
The newly announced “Witchy Pretty Cure!! -MIRAI DAYS-” was unveiled as the second show of the video project and is a sequel to “Witchy Pretty Cure!”. The show will be broadcast in the “AmNiMAZiNG!!!” slot of ABC TV and TV Asahi from 2:00 AM on January 12, 2025.
“Witchy Pretty Cure!” is the 13th installment of the Pretty Cure series that was broadcast between February 2016 and January 2017, depicting the story of miracles and magic connecting the Magic World and the No Magic World (where the humans live). The new show boasts the catchphrase, “With the magical words ‘Cure Up, RaPaPa’, the two futures combine!” Let’s look forward to the story and how the characters are depicted.
“Witchy Pretty Cure!! -MIRAI DAYS-” also launched its official website. Stay tuned for further information to be released!
– Anime Information –
“Witchy Pretty Cure!! -MIRAI DAYS-”
Broadcast in the “AmNiMAZiNG!!!” slot of ABC TV and TV Asahi from 2:00 AM on January 12, 2025.
(C) 2025 Witchy Pretty Cure -MIRAI DAYS- Production Committee
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