The TV anime “Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury” was announced to be airing in two parts, with the second one starting on April, 2023. Moreover, the TV edits of the gundam franchise movies such “Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash” will be broadcast on terrestrial television for the first time from January to March, 2023.
The announcements were made on September 29, 2022, during the event “Gundam Conference Autumn 2022” organized by the Bandai Namco Group crossover initiative, “Gundam Project”. In anticipation of the 45th anniversary of the Gundam series as well as the Gunpla line, the conference also launched the project “Gundam Next Future -Road to 2025-” which aims to expand the series’ universe while supported by three pillars: motion picture, the Gundam meta verse project, and real events.
Named “Gundam Next Future x Nichigo”, the motion picture portion of the initiative will kick off with the airing of the latest entry of the franchise “Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury” on October 2, at 17:00.
In order to get new fans on board, setting to explain the Universal Century timeline, the project will also be broadcasting for the first time on television the movie “Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash”, the OVA “Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt”, and the movie “Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative”. Each will be each divided into 4 episodes to fit the TV format and will be airing between January and March, 2023. From April, they will be followed right after by the long awaited second half of the “Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury”.
In addition, also part of the motion picture initiative, the project will encompass the “Gundam Next Future x BS11 Gundam Hour”, scheduled to broadcast previous titles continuously, and the “Gundam Next Future x GunChan (Gundam’s Official Youtube Channel)” featuring specially selected episodes will also be available on a premium basis.
Bandai Namco Entertainment announced to be focusing on “efforts made specially for TV, as well as for the Gundam Channel, and eventually finishing off with the Hollywood live action film currently being co-produced with Legendary Pictures”. Fans will certainly not want to miss out future announcements.
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