The latest animated film “ONE PIECE FILM RED” from the anime “One Piece” drew 5 million audience in its first 10 days of release on August 6, 2022, and its box office revenue surpassed 7 billion yen. It surpassed the record of “ONE PIECE FILM Z”, which had a final box-office revenue of 6.87 billion yen, in just 10 days, making it the highest attendance and box-office revenue in the history of the series.
The film was released on August 6 and had a rocket start, drawing 1.57 million people and grossing over 2.25 billion yen on August 6 and 7. The film did not lose its momentum, recording astonishing numbers, including box-office revenues of over 5 billion yen one week after its release.
Ten days after its release, it was announced that the number of audience had reached 5 million and the box-office revenue had surpassed 7 billion yen. This surpassed “ONE PIECE FILM Z,” which was released in December 2012 and recorded a final box-office revenue of 6.87 billion yen in just 10 days. It became the No. 1 film in the series’ history in terms of attendance and box-office revenue, setting a record that is truly out of this world.
This momentum and excitement is still hot, and even in its second round of release, theaters nationwide have been full to capacity despite the unusually large number of screenings. Furthermore, the theme song “A New Era” and all seven songs from the film dominated the top song ranking on “Apple Music” today, August 16, from No. 1 to No. 7. Not only in theaters, “FILM RED” is taking Japan by storm in the music scene as well.
“ONE PIECE FILM RED” has been screened in theaters nationwide. With the summer vacation still in full swing, expectations are rising for the film to surpass the 10 billion yen mark at the box office and beyond.
(C) Oda Eiichiro / 2022 “ONE PIECE” Production Committee
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