The long-awaited TV anime adaptation of the manga “The Tale of the Outcasts” has been announced. Along with the announcement, the anime teaser visual along with the comments and illustration of the original author Hoshino Makoto have been released.
“The Tale of the Outcasts” is a dark fantasy manga by Hoshino Makoto that was serialized on “Weekly Shonen Sunday” with a total of 8 volumes published by “Shonen Sunday Comics”. The story takes place at the end of the 19th century, where the immortal demon Marbas encountered the unfortunate young girl Wisteria at a corner of the British Empire and it depicts their journey to seek for a place where they can belong.
The anime visual that was released together with the long-awaited TV anime adaptation announcement, depicts the protagonist, the demon Marbas together with the heroine, the blind young girl Wisteria.
Also, the comments from the original author Hoshino Makoto, such as “When I first attended the script meeting, I can’t forget the sight of the manga volume filled with the various sticky notes that was carried by the director.” and “Please take this opportunity to enjoy the journey of “The Tale of the Outcasts” filled with the passion of various creators.” have also been released.
The official website and official Twitter of the TV anime “The Tale of the Outcasts” have been released. Please do look forward to the future news.
<Below are the full comments>
【Original Author: Hoshino Makoto】
This anime adaptation could happen thanks to the fate, luck, and passions from various people. When I first attended the script meeting, I can’t forget the sight of the manga volume filled with the various sticky notes that was carried by the director. After that, I unexpectedly broke down in tears due to the many thoughts on my way back, and I also won’t forget that my editor also bought me a new mask. Please take this opportunity to enjoy the journey of “The Tale of the Outcasts” filled with the passion of various creators.
【Original Manga Info】
“The Tale of the Outcasts” Total of 8 volumes
Published by Shogakukan’s “Shounen Sunday Comics”
Original Author: Hoshino Makoto
(C) Hoshino Makoto, Shogakukan/ “The Tale of the Outcasts” Production Committee
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