Detective Conan’s Police Academy Arc portrays the police academy era of Detective Conan’s popular character, Rei Furuya and his four friends. The TV anime of this, titled ‘Wild Police Story CASE.Kenji Hagiwara’ will be broadcast on Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV from 18:00 on May 7th.
“Police Academy Arc – Wild Police Story” is a spin-off of the famous Detective Conan, which depicts the life of Rei Furuya and his four close friends. The five members of police academy are Rei Furuya, Jinpei Matsuda, Wataru Date, Kenji Hagiwara, and Hiromitsu Morofushi. Everyone except Furuya have passed away in the main story, but they all will show up in the 25th movie “Detective Conan – The Bride of Halloween”.
In the third TV anime “CASE.Kenji Hagiwara”, Hagiwara, Furuya, Date, Matsuda, and Morofushi saw a RX-7FD3S at the police academy. Hagiwara, who seems to have liked the RX-7FD3S car model, was so enthusiastic that he overwhelmed Instructor Onizuka who came out of the car. However, it was not Onizuka’s, but the car of a senior detective who had died, and was kept for the daughter of that senior who was aiming to become a detective.
In the heavy equipment training after that, the state of Hagiwara mentioned earlier will be brought up. Hagiwara’s parents’ house is a car repair shop, so it seems that he is familiar with cars. However, Hagiwara says that the repair shop collapsed and he aimed to become a police officer because “the police will never go bankrupt”. And after the heavy equipment training, a man who calls out to Hagiwara and Matsuda appears …
Detective Conan – Police Academy Arc’Wild Police Story CASE.Kenji Hagiwara’ will be broadcast on Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV from 18:00 on May 7th.
(C) Gosho Aoyama, Takahiro Arai / Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, TMS2021
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